Home Lifestyle Top Ten Tips for Better Sleep

Top Ten Tips for Better Sleep

by Byron Hoffman
7 minutes read

Sleep is an essential part of life. The less of it you’ll get, the worse you’ll feel, and the more issues you’ll have to deal with. That’s why it’s always worth trying to get better sleep. By putting the effort into it, you’ll see more than a few benefits, like:

  • Reducing stress levels and improving your mood
  • Lowering your risk of chronic conditions
  • Getting sick noticeably less
  • Being able to focus better day-to-day

Actually getting better sleep and seeing these benefits can often be hard, though. You could struggle to drift off and sleep for the amount of time you need. This doesn’t have to be too much of a struggle, though. With the right tips for better sleep, it’ll be easier than you’d think.

Some of these can help more than you’d think, making it worth focusing on ten of the best tips to help you sleep better.

Tips for Better Sleep: Ten Top Picks

1. Go Tech-Free

Technology interferes with your ability to sleep a lot more than many people realize. A lot of this focuses on the lighting coming from televisions and other screens. The fact you’ll usually be mentally engaged with them also keeps you more awake. By avoiding most technology in the hour or two before going to bed make sure they don’t get in the way. You’ll drift off much easier once you do.

2. Deal With Physical Issues

There could be times where you’re feeling a little under the weather, and this can interfere with your ability to sleep. Even the common cold can make it harder to fall asleep. By dealing with the physical symptoms of these, you’ll get to sleep a lot easier. Over-the-counter medication and similar measures can be more than enough to help with this.

3. Set the Atmosphere

The right atmosphere can help you fall asleep a lot more than you’d think. While this can be obvious, it can often be relatively easy to overlook. A lot of this focuses on making sure you have a relaxing atmosphere in the bedroom, but the lead-up to that can be just as recommended. Dim the lights and make it all as relaxing as possible. You’ll end up being better able to drift off by the time you get to bed.

4. Deal With Worry

One of the more notable reasons you could find it difficult to fall asleep is because you’re regularly worried and anxious. These can keep you up at night thinking about them and getting more and more anxious. That’s why it’s always worth dealing with this worry. Tackling it at its source is recommended, but there can often be breathing exercises and similar steps to help you relax a little more.

5. Consider Your Food Intake

While you mightn’t have thought about it, food plays a role in whether you feel sleepy or not. Some foods give you more energy than others, while others can promote the production of hormones that make you sleepy. If you’re eating later in the day, then focus on the second of these. They should help you feel sleepier before you know it. 

6. Avoid Alcohol

Outside of getting you drunk, alcohol can make you feel sleepy. It can even help you drift off a lot easier. That doesn’t mean it’s recommended you have a drink or two before bed. Alcohol interferes with your quality of sleep, and you’re not going to get a proper night’s sleep if you’ve had a few drinks. You’ll wake up still feeling a little tired. Avoid alcohol as much as you can because of that.

7. Time Your Exercise

Exercise can often be a great way to help you sleep better. For this to actually work, though, you’ll need to properly time your exercises. Going to the gym in the evening mightn’t be the best approach to take, for example. It’ll get your blood going, and it’ll be more difficult to relax enough to fall asleep. Try exercise earlier in the day for this to actually help.

8. Don’t Take That Nap

When you haven’t slept properly for a few days, you’ll naturally feel quite tired. That could lead to you wanting to take a nap when you get the chance. As natural as this could be, you should avoid it. It’ll prevent you from getting to sleep later on when you actually want to go to bed. At a minimum, you’ll take longer to actually drift off and sleep. Avoid the nap, and you’ll get a better sleep before you know it.

9. Get Up When You’re Not Tired

There could be more than a few times when you’re laying in bed, and just can’t get to sleep. When this happens, don’t just lay there doing nothing. It’s not going to help you sleep. Instead, it’s worth getting up and doing something else for a while. Do something that relaxes you, and then go back to bed when you’re starting to feel sleepier.

10. Keep a Sleep Diary

Sleep diaries can often be overlooked when you’re trying to sleep better. That’s despite how much it can help you. It involves writing down everything that led up to you going to bed, as well as whether you slept properly. In time, this lets you figure out what’s getting in the way of you getting a good night’s sleep. While it’ll take some time, it’ll help quite a bit.

Tips for Better Sleep: Wrapping Up

Trying to consistently get enough sleep can often be complicated. Stress, being busy, and more than a few things could get in the way.

This isn’t something you need to settle for, though. With the right tips for better sleep, you could see yourself drifting off better than you’d think. You’ll get the sleep you need, and see all of the benefits that come with that. It shouldn’t even need to be difficult.

With a little effort, you’ll sleep better relatively easily, and you’ll start feeling better and better before you know it.

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